星期六, 8月 27, 2005


印象中的菲律賓是馬可仕下台後所帶來世人的負面印象, 這個曾經戰後是亞洲最富有的國家, 現在社會的進化感覺像是20年前的台灣, 即使在Manila也看到許多建設的殘破與混亂, 路上仍有許多堪憐的乞丐進行乞討, 政治可以給一個國家帶希望也可以是幾代的荼毒, 但是通常越是高風險國家, 相對的也會是一塊少被開發的市場, 特別是這個具有八千萬人口的鄰居。

軍警荷槍實彈牽著軍犬,為隨時可能發生的恐怖攻擊戒備, 不論是出入飯店或是高級的辦公大樓, 門禁的管制搜身都是免不了的,這樣的環境對於一個經商的人說都是重大的負面形象, 拜會了幾個公協會,所見的交通景象與人文景觀, 反映著他是個高度貧富懸殊,又充滿緊張政治氣氛的國家, 我不知道是否其他的同行是否也如此看待, 但是菲律賓人對於這樣的生活,仍然本著過度消費與低儲蓄率過日子,因為那種樂天知命的文化不是任何外界可以理解的 。

特殊的公車是我注意最多也刻意捕捉的景觀, 這樣一個仍以勞力輸出為主的國家, 我想要透過二三天的觀察來做出任何結論,都是以管窺豹不夠客觀的, 只有透過日常生活畫面的擷取, 反映出些許的社會活動, 讓家人與同事來認識他, 當年外公二次大戰到馬尼拉參戰, 那種景觀相信已經不復見, 我能憑弔的就是僅能說,我也到過外公去過參戰的地方,想像當年外公在這個南洋之邦上一方面浴血奮戰, 一方面想念家鄉, 希望可以活著回去的心情。

星期五, 8月 26, 2005

The APEC Digital Opportunity Center (ADOC) project in Philippline

2005八月底公司派我參加了資策會主辦馬尼拉商業考察團, 是APEC組織中一個名為ADOC的專案計畫 , 針對菲律賓的資訊高科技產業進行商業投資計畫評估, 與商機的找尋
  • The APEC Digital Opportunity Center (ADOC) project in line with the e-APEC strategy aims to help bridge the digital divide within the APEC community through training and trading. In the Philippines, ADOC is working with the Commission on Information and Communication Technology (CICT) and has recently established an ADOC Partner Office and an ADOC Training Laboratory at the CICT building to aid with capacity building.
    ADOC, with support from TEEMA and SEIPI, plans to create a small event that aims to bring trade opportunities to both stakeholders in the Philippines and Chinese Taipei.
  • To provide an opportunity for companies from both the Philippines and Chinese Taipei who are involved in the electronic industry to meet and discuss possible areas for future business collaboration.
  • Approach
    Arrange a one-day forum/matchmaking event involving stakeholders from both the Philippines and Chinese Taipei, focusing on the theme ‘Manufacturing Solutions”.
    Invite stakeholder from both the Philippines and Chinese Taipei to participate in the event.
  • Chinese Taipei Stakeholders:
    Companies - Invite a number of companies, representing both the hardware and software sectors from Chinese Taipei, who are interested in understanding the Philippine market a possible interest in doing business.
    - Invited companies will introduce their solutions and how they are applying them to address the different challenges in the industry, to various interested stakeholders from the Philippines.
  • TEEMA- Invite a representative from TEEMA to introduce the organization, its members and the benefits the organization can bring to Philippine companies interested in partnering with its members. - The representative will also provide advice and assistance to any Philippine stakeholder interested in finding a partner or solution provider in Chinese Taipei.
  • Philippine Stakeholders- Invite stakeholders from the Philippines who are interested in meeting directly with the invited companies from Chinese Taipei or stakeholders who are interested in locating partners or solution providers in Chinese Taipei.Arrange a convenient location and time after the event for interested stakeholders to meet and discuss possible business opportunities.